Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Missing You

       This is the way I've been feeling. I was sad because I miss you so much! I can't wait until you come back to school on January 23rd!: ) I have lots of fun things planned for us and know we'll have a wonderful time and learn a lot.

       I'm already feeling much better because I know it's only a few more days (12 to be exact!) until I get to see you! I can't wait to hear about what you did while you were tracked out and to see how much you have grown in a month! Just think, you are half way to becoming a first grader!

      I'm sending you a little surprise in this blog. It's a great big hug and kiss just for you! I can hardly wait until I see you and can get a real hug from you! Enjoy your next 12 days off and I'll see you soon!! I love you all!! Mrs. Parker : )