Wednesday, April 25, 2012

 We had a special reader in our class. Esli read a book to us and did a fantastic job! Mrs. Ferguson, her ESL teacher, was there to help, but Esli did it all by herself. Way to go, Esli! 
Then, Piper, from 2nd grade came and helped us practice our Word Wall Words. She said we worked hard and she's going to help us learn them all!

Science Field Trip

We had an in-school field trip on weather. We did lots of wonderful experiments and learned a lot. We made clouds, watched for changes in a liquid, measured the change in temperature, and made snow! We loved it!                     

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

5th Grade Friends

We bet you have missed us terribly. We have been so busy lately because we're getting ready to track out next week. Mrs. Parker finally decided it was time to show you what all we've been doing........we're so glad! We wanted to show you pictures of our 5th grade friends. They read Three Billy Goats Gruff and did a a readers theater. We were so excited they asked if they could come put it on for our class. We loved it and thought they did a fantastic job!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

 Today we made Valentine paintings using shaving cream and glue. When we finished we decided to have a little fun with the left over shaving cream! Mrs. Parker said that hugs were GREAT no matter how messy they were. Don't you wish you were in our kindergarten class?



Thursday, February 9, 2012

Silly Faces

 What a sweet  class! This is how wonderful children cheer up their teacher when she doesn't feel well. How can you not smile when you see this????? : ) I sure love my class!!


Pajama Day was lots of fun! We earned 30 class compliments, so we wore our pajamas, had some hot chocolate, and ate doughnuts. Wow!! Kindergarten is so much fun!!!


It's so easy to get kindergarten students to give you a wink. Just tell them we'll be making snowmen in class the next day! : )

 Here we are making our snowmen heads with a little help from some Rice Crispy treats, candy corn, chocolate chips, and confectionery sugar! It was lots of fun and they tasted GREAT!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

We're Back!

We had a little trouble with our blog, but now we're back. Look for several new posts within the next day or two!: )

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Missing You

       This is the way I've been feeling. I was sad because I miss you so much! I can't wait until you come back to school on January 23rd!: ) I have lots of fun things planned for us and know we'll have a wonderful time and learn a lot.

       I'm already feeling much better because I know it's only a few more days (12 to be exact!) until I get to see you! I can't wait to hear about what you did while you were tracked out and to see how much you have grown in a month! Just think, you are half way to becoming a first grader!

      I'm sending you a little surprise in this blog. It's a great big hug and kiss just for you! I can hardly wait until I see you and can get a real hug from you! Enjoy your next 12 days off and I'll see you soon!! I love you all!! Mrs. Parker : )